Best 5 Small Dog Breeds For Indoor Pets

When I began searching for the perfect pooch several years ago to keep me company, I researched all the best small dogs that are known to be good indoor pets. I knew as a single lady, that a small dog would be perfect for me to take care of, less expensive to feed, less troublesome to bathe, and most importantly, wouldn't hog all the bed space! Okay, and yes, I also wanted a small dog so I could easily tote it around with me anywhere I went. As I was on my search for the best small dogs out there, I learned a great deal about dog breeds. This information will help you find the best small dogs if you’re considering getting a pet, which I highly recommend !
Here is Best 5 Small Dog Breeds For Indoor Pets are as follow.


Best 5 Small Dog Breeds For Indoor Pets
Image Via : Pinterest

Perhaps one of the most people-friendly dogs is the Boston Terrier. This is one of the best small dogs to own, in my opinion. My family had one for 12 years from the time I was 10 to 22 and she was the easiest, most loving and playful dog we ever had my entire life. Boston Terriers are great because they have a lot of energy, yet are small and loving. They also won’t tear your place apart while you’re gone to work. Boston Terriers house-train very easily and are excellent around children and other pets. Though they need occasional brushing to prevent shedding, they are overall easy to maintain and don’t need to be groomed. These dogs make fantastic indoor pets, yet also love to have a yard to run around and play in since they have extremely energetic personalities.


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